Planning & Development

Building Development Permits 

Building permits are required for development within the RM boundaries.  The Construction Codes Act came into effect January 1st, 2022, which provides legislative framework for the application of construction codes and enforcement of construction standards. 


PBI Inc. has been appointed as the building inspectors for the Municipality.  All new buildings are required to comply with the Construction Codes Act and all existing buildings must comply with for any work which begins after January 1st, 2022. 


Development Permits, Residential, Commercial as well as Farm Buildings Exemption Request Forms are available here or from the Municipal Office.   


PBI’s Residential and Commercial Building Permit forms are required for residential and commercial projects.

Residential Permit

Commercial Permit Form

Farm Building Exemption

Development Permit Application forms below are required for all development within the RM.

Permit Application




Official Community Plan

The OCP is a policy bylaw that addresses the future goals, visions and policies for the RM. This bylaw is intended to direct development in a positive and sustainable way that will complement existing land uses and developments.

Zoning Bylaw

The Zoning Bylaw is the regulation bylaw that supports the Official Community Plan; it sets the rules for what uses are appropriate for what lands. Lands are broken down as Agriculture, Residential and Commercial with different requirements for each.


Bylaw 2019-05 220.02 KB 165 downloads


Development Permit

Any development in the RM requires the submission of a development permit and will be approved dependent on compliance with the Zoning Bylaw.

Should you have any questions, please contact the office, as no development should begin without an approved permit.

**the biggest concern with all development is the setback requirements. Please be sure that you have ensured the proper setbacks for everything on your property. This includes trees, bale stacks, equipment, dug outs etc., as well as all buildings. Contact the office if you have any questions.


  • All applications to subdivide land must be made through the Community Planning Branch of the Ministry of Government Relations. The following link will access the information required. Alternatively you can contact the Regina office at (306) 787-2725

Office located at 52 Main Street, Midale, SK

RM of Cymri No. 36

Box 238
Midale, SK
S0C 1S0
Phone: 306-458-2244
Fax: 306-458-2699

Office Hours:




RM 36 Map 1.80 MB 8954 downloads
